Using Personal Account

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Why you should create Personal Account on CHAINtrail ?
    If you are creating a personal Account on CHAINtrail you will get the following Benefits :
  • After creating personal account on CHAINtrail, you'll be accountable for all the transactions or activity on CHAINtrail.
  • You can store all the personal documents and credentials in one place using the briefcase.It may work as a lifetime repository of your personal can sort and filter these documents as per your need.
  • You will get some global templates which are by default provided by CHAINtrail.You can modify these templates for personal use and save them for future use.
  • you will get the benifit of e-signature within your personal capacity.You can e-sign the document which you are going to send and also the document which you will receive in order to complete the transaction.
  • You can keep track of all the personal transactions in logs section which will be helpful in saving your time and work.
  • You can associate your account with multiple accounts on CHAINtrail and can use these accounts for different uses on CHAINtrail.

Using Work Account

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Why you should create Work Account on CHAINtrail ?
    If you are creating a Work Account on CHAINtrail you will get the following Benefits :
  • After Creating work account on CHAINtrail, you will be accountable for all the transactions done under your work can do all the actions related to your work under your institution.
  • You can manage all the work documents and credentials at one place. You can view all the documents save in briefcase.It may work as your work repository.
  • You will get some predefined templates which are by default provided by CHAINtrail.You can modify,share ansd store these templates in organizational repository.All the other members of your institution can also use them.
  • You can keep track of all the transactions done under your work account in your institutional Capacity.
  • You will be designated with some specific authority to take actions depending upon the capacity you hold in you institution.
  • You can get full acccess to organizational repository.As you send or receive credentials, transact and carryout your data to day interactions on CHAINtrail, you create an encrypted and secure online repository of your data. Think of this as a new type of eMail with data and attachments that are verifiable.Templates in CHAINtrail make it easy for you and your organization to standardize action formats by using a library of templates or by creating templates that are specific to your organization’s needs.